Hi there!

 I'm Linda.

I grew up in Newark, New Jersey, and I've always loved two things: kids, and animals. Ever since I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a teacher, because I loved helping my classmates. I graduated from Seton Hall University and started teaching elementary students in East Orange, South Orange, and Belleville, New Jersey. I married in New Jersey and raised my three boys till they were 8, 10, and 12 in New Jersey. We moved to Arizona and I divorced at that time. Two of my sons went back to live with their dad while I became an elementary teacher in Mesa, Arizona in 1984. I taught for 30 years in Mesa and retired after 40 years of teaching in 2007. I continued working with children with reading difficulties and dyslexia up to the present.

 I brought with me a Maltese dog named Fonzie and another dog named Princess Nikki to Mesa in 1984. I've had many pets over the years, from Angora cats to German Shepherds. Right now my house is home to a rather small rat terrier named Norbert and a cat named Scooter. The other doggies are my boyfriend's dog's Cupcake, Ringo and Cookie.

Ringo Takes the Lead is my first book and it is being edited at the moment. I worked with an amazing artist, Daniel, to turn my friends' and family's real pets into cartoon characters! I hope you enjoy reading the series of books.  

You will find  all my books on this site.

Ringo's Big Idea

Ringo and the Gang in a Magical Adventure

Norbert Steals the Show

Puppy Love

A Trip to the Jersey Shore

The Many Fashions of Cocoa Bean

The Night Before Christmas

Ringo and Norbie Save Easter 


Tips on Finding the Right Dog for you on Kindle Only

Kind regards

Linda Ann Casey Smock

This is Cupcake, Ringo and Cookie. Ringo is the Lead Doggie in my stories and Cupcake and Cookie are sidekicks.  Then comes Norbert.

This is Cupcake, Ringo and Cookie. Ringo is the Lead Doggie in my stories and Cupcake and Cookie are sidekicks. Then comes Norbert.

Norbert is called Norbie for short!!

This is Norbert and he comes in on the fourth and fifth books and sixth books. Isn't he a cutie? The artist made him just as cute in the books with his big ears and sweet face!



02.04.2015 04:24

Type in Lindaanncaseysmock on Amazon.com

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18.06 | 20:05


09.08 | 10:07

Mesa Downtown Festival 2019 is best festical to see lots of artwork. I am going to be the part of this festival in next month after finishing my https://www.goldenbustours.com/san-francisco-tours/

02.04 | 04:24

Type in Lindaanncaseysmock on Amazon.com

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